
We apologize if you are having any difficulties with our online store. Below are answers to common questions. If you have a question not answered here, please Contact Us.

Help with ebooks:

When you purchase an ebook, you will have the option to immediately download the file from the confirmation page on our site. You will also receive two emails, one confirming your order, and a second email with a link to download the file if you'd like to download it from a different device or download at a later time. If you want to view previous orders without the confirmation link, please create an account vs checking out as a guest.

Our ebooks are in ePub format, which is the industry standard. As of July 2021, Amazon Kindle no longer requires mobi files for Kindle devices.

If you purchase the ebook from a device other than your e-reader or with an email other than the email associated with your e-reader, you may need to save the file and email it to your email address associated with your device. The file may show up in your Docs folder/tab or in Books. 

Help with gift cards and discount codes:

To use a MilitaryFamilyBooks.com gift card or apply a discount code to your order, go to your shopping cart page (click the cart in the upper right corner), and click the Check Out tab. At checkout you will see a box on the right under your list of items to purchase. Type or copy/paste your discount code into that box and click Apply. Valid gift cards and discounts will be applied to your total.

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