Camouflage Mom by Sarah Hovorka, Military Family Books

Camouflage Mom by Sarah Hovorka (pb)

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Camouflage Mom: A Military Story About Staying Connected
by Sarah Hovorka, illustrated by Elif Balta Parks

Sarah is happy to finally see her mom after two months of boot camp but she feels a distance between them that’s more than the physical space that separates them.

Is that her mom who stares straight ahead in a line of soldiers when Sarah calls out for her? Is that her mom who stomp stomp stomps in big, heavy boots and hides in camouflage clothing?

Using the analogy of links in a chain, Camouflage Mom tells Sarah's story of staying connected, helping young readers along the way to reconnect with their own military mom.

Cardinal Rule Press
ISBN 9781945369612
8.25" x 10.25" Paperback
32 pages

Camouflage Mom Paperback
Camouflage Mom Hardcover
Camouflage Mom Case=65 Paperback Books
Camouflage Mom Bulk=260 Paperback Books