Circle of Catholic Women Journal One by Karen Pavlicin FAITH GROUP 10 journals 1 facilitator guide

Circle of Catholic Women Journal One by Karen Pavlicin FAITH GROUP

$ 147.56 $ 184.45

Circle of Catholic Women—Journal One:
Personal reflection and group sharing to help you deepen your faith and find balance in your everyday life

by Karen Pavlicin

Faith Group Kit = 10 Journals + 1 Facilitator Guide

Circle of Catholic Women is a journal series tailored to Catholic women seeking deeper spiritual connections and life balance. Through personal journaling and group sharing, women explore prayer, rituals and traditions, relationships, spiritual role models, values and beliefs, discernment, and life balance.

The Circle of Catholic Women program:

  • Encourages and inspires women to explore their spirituality and live their faith in all aspects of daily life
  • Fosters spiritual friendships and builds trusted circles within the parish community
  • Is a flexible program that complements existing adult faith formation

Each journal in the series includes:

  • Sections on prayer, traditions, relationships, role models, values, discernment, and life balance
  • Bible verses and references to Catholic documents and teachings
  • Journaling prompts to encourage deeper personal reflection and application to daily life
  • Suggested group discussion questions
  • Separate facilitator guide for added guidance and ideas for program leaders

Journal One topics include:

  • Personal prayer practices
  • Family traditions for Catholic holidays
  • Seeing Jesus in relationships
  • Spiritual role models Mary and Mother Teresa
  • Money and wealth
  • God’s call over life’s milestones 
  • Mind-body-spirit connections

The series is nonsequential so participants may begin with any journal in the series.

Living Now Book Awards Silver Medal
Midwest Book Awards Finalist

Juloya/Elva Resa Publishing
7-3/8"x9" Softcover 
128 pages

Also available:
Case of 50 Journals
Facilitator Guide